Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Word of Welcome

Hello, friend!
Welcome to my blog.  I hope that you will find my words an encouragement to you.  My goal is for this to be a place of worship and reflection, an online collection of God-stories and lessons learned, that will leave visitors with a sense of edification.  I pray that what God does in and through my life will somehow encourage you in your own adventure with Him.
I started this blog for a few different reasons.  First and foremost, I want to glorify God, and if He wants to use my words, I'll be happy to have served Him.  I've also been taught a lot by reading the blogs of several beloved friends (check out my link page!) and wanted to join their online community.  Lastly, God has given me a passion for helping hurting people, so I've signed up to be a Compassion Blogger ( and write at least once a month about ways we can be involved in fighting some of the world's major issues.
Finally, I've been warned about the dangers of blogging, and how it can be tempting to promote myself above God and lose focus of my real purpose behind starting this blog.  So I'm asking you to keep me accountable, and let me know if there is anything less-than Godly in my words. 

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely fabulous! God will keep on using you, dear friend.
